Mission Statement For Heritage Village: To provide a safe, attractive, and pleasant environment for all of the residents of Heritage Village

Mission Statement For Heritage Village Homeowners Association

Heritage Village Board Of Directors 
August 8, 2005

To provide a safe, attractive, and pleasant environment for all of the residents of Heritage Village.

To make decisions with the goal of maintaining the property value and the integrity of Heritage Village.

To effectively and economically manage the joint funds, carefully consider expenditures, and maintain the reserve funds in an efficient manner.

To reduce the need for special assessments other than those required responding to catastrophic or unforeseen events.

To see that each resident, both homeowner and renter, is treated fairly and that rules and regulations are enforced in a fair and reasonable manner.

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Heritagehoa – New Finance Meeting

A new finance meeting has been posted on the notifcation kiosks throughout the neighborhood…